School Forms


Facility Use

Copies of the form can also be found in the district office.


Fill out form and your response will be emailed to you.

Extra Duty Pay

Print this form, fill it out and return to AD

Travel & Expense Reimbursement

Make a copy of this spreadsheet, fill it out and submit to your principal.

Fundraising Request

Fill out form and your response will be emailed to you.

Acceptance of Gifts to District

Fill out form and your response will be emailed to you.

Activity Trip Sheet

This is for Coaches and Sponsors who are asked to drive for their activity. They are paid for windshield time only.

Print and return to the district office.


Please print out these forms and return to the school.

Athletic Participation Packet

School Enrollment PacketAlternative School Enrollment Forms

Non-Resident Application

Chromebook User's Agreement

JR/SR High School Student Handbook Agreement (Coming Soon)