SOAR Learners Assembly

Each month the staff at the elementary school highlight the achievements of students who have demonstrated positive behavior. Teachers encourage Visible Learning with the acronym LEARNERS.


Learn from mistakes


Evaluate work


Ask questions


Receive and respond to feedback


Never give up


Effort matters


Reach goals


State what we are learning

This month teachers and students focused on "E" Evaluate work and the following students were recognized for their efforts with a certificate.

Students in a hallway holding a certificates

K-6 students were also treated to a flash mob preformed by their teachers showing them the had motions that go with the Dragon Mindset Pledge that the students repeat each morning.

Dragon Mindset Pledge

Everyday I will try my best.

I will not quit. I will not rest.

Until my brain has grown a bit

and I have learned how to do it.

If I fail I will be ok.

I will just try a different way.

I will say I just can't do it yet

because I have a Holyoke Dragon mindset!

A special thank you to the Elementary Student Council members and their sponsors for hosting the assembly where these students were honored in front of the whole school.