Students of the Month

Holyoke Chamber of Commerce in recognizing students who go above and beyond in their efforts to RISE to Excellence. 

The following students have been selected for March Students of the Month.

Junior High: Aimee Hernandez SotoStudent photoAimee was nominated by Mrs. Jablonski.  Aimee has matured so much this year and has shown inspiring perseverance. One example of this exemplary perseverance is despite her biggest physical challenge, she tries her best and performs all tasks at hand in her own unique way. I've noticed especially that she still plays softball with the class and doesn't show any discouragement. I really love the way she carries herself and her confidence shines through!! She is a great leader and is always the first to volunteer. She is also the first to help new students and makes sure they understand.

Senior High School: Hannah Lindholm

Student photo

Hannah was nominated by Mrs. Clayton. As a senior Hannah has taken on a tremendously rigorous load of college courses in addition to completing her high school courses. She has gone above and beyond and given up a significant amount of her own time to ensure she is successful in these courses. She truly models what it means to take ownership of your learning. Outside of the classroom, Hannah has also done an outstanding job representing RISE behavior as she deployed her FBLA project with her teammates to support small businesses and has done the same remarkable job in organizing her FCCLA traffic safety project with her team. And as if she had any time remaining, Hannah has diligently worked on her role in the spring play. She is a true role model when it comes to RISING to EXCELLENCE!

Additionally, in conjunction with the Elementary and Jr./Sr. High School's Youth Connection work and the Board of Education's desire to recognize students at board meetings that demonstrate exceptional academic and behavior a Dragon Coin was designed by the administration to be given to students each month at a school board meeting.
