Dragon Bulletin May 6-12

Dragon Bulletin May 6-12

Holyoke holds Academic Awards Night

The Holyoke Jr/Sr High Academic Awards Night is on Wednesday, May 8, at 7 p.m in the HHS auditorium. Recipients should dress nicely! If there are any question you can contact Mr./Mrs. French


Graduation is on Saturday, May 11. The ceremony will be held at the high school in the new gym at 2 p.m.

HS Sports

Monday, May 6- Girls Golf at Limon, and Track at Holyoke Tuesday, May 7- Baseball w/Wiggins Thursday, May 9- JV Baseball at Wiggins Friday, May 10- Track at St. Vrain


Guess the answer to the trivia question correctly to get a chance to win 4 dragon dollars.


Monday, May 6 is Transition day. All the 6th graders will be here from 3rd period to 6th period. Please be on your best behavior for them!

Saturday, May 11 is National Eat What You Want Day

Late Start May 9. School starts at 9 am!