National FBLA


              On June 28, 2024, ten Future Business Leaders of America students, along with adviser Lori Nelson, chaperone Elon Nelson, and parents Gina Martin and Rena Schneller, traveled to Orlando, Florida to compete in Nationals 2024, along with over 16,000 other members from across the United States, Canada, and China!

              Those competing included Tayla Martin, Future Business Leader; Carter Van Overbeke, Accounting II; Edel Ramos, Personal Finance; Tomas Estrada, Intro. to Business Concepts; Ben Kleve, Human Resource Management; Hannah Lindstrom, Fatima Nunez and Madi Clapper, American Enterprise Project; and Tayla Martin, Teagan Martin, and Rorey Schneller, Community Service Project.

              While in Orlando, students went to workshops, a general session, FBLA expo, and the awards session.  Hannah, Fatima and Madi placed 10th in the nation in their American Enterprise project!!

National Winners

              When not competing or attending FBLA events, members also had the opportunity to go to Universal Studios, Disney Hollywood Studios, and an everglades airboat road.  Next year’s National FBLA will be held in Anaheim, CA.

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