FBLA District Competition

Today Holyoke FBLA traveled to district competition in Sterling, Colorado, at Northeastern Junior College where they competed against 9 other schools, vying for top honors to qualify for state competition.  Holyoke came home with 13 first place finishes and qualified approximately 75% of the 66-member chapter.

While there, students gave presentations, attended workshops, and enjoyed listening to guest speaker Tom Pesce—educator, motivational speaker and magician. And our President, Fatima Nunez, received a District 4 Scholarship!

Those placing in the top 4 and qualifying for Colorado State FBLA in April include:

1st PLACE:

Leah Struckmeyer, Accounting I

Samanta Espinal, Accounting II

Reid Sprague, Advertising

Reid Sprague, Agribusiness

Marcus Laws, Computer Applications

Luis Perez, Computer Problem Solving

Sophia Bencomo, Human Resource Management

Tomas Estrada, Introduction to Business Procedures

Ivan Valenzuela, Organizational Leadership

Ivan Valenzuela, Website Design

Roslynne Doorn, Website Design

Luke Roberts, Website Design

Madison Clapper, Social Media Strategies

Hudson Koellner, Sports and Entertainment Management

Brandon Bustillos, Sports and Entertainment Management

Lucinda Mares, Healthcare Administration


Jeylin Dominguez, Accounting II

Lucinda Mares, Agribusiness

Junior Olivas, Computer Applications

Aubrey Bieber, Intro. to Business Presentation

Yuri Yanez, Intro. to Business Presentation

Lia Sprague, Intro. to Business Presentation

Bodhyn Ring, Intro. to FBLA

Mae Frost, Intro. to Marketing Concepts

Madi Clapper, Journalism

Dayami Trejo, Website Design

Frida Schmalfuss, Website Design

Rubi Dominguez, Website Design

3rd PLACE:

Rorey Schneller, Accounting I

Teagan Martin, Accounting II

Fatima Nunez, Personal Finance

Hudson Koellner, Publlic Policy and Advocacy

Anessa Colglazier, Hospitality and Event Management

Mae Frost, Hospitality and Event Management

4th PLACE:

Isabelle Kropp, Accounting I

Michelle Espinal, Business Law

Rubi Dominguez, Intro to Marketing Concepts

Sophia Bencomo, Organizational Leadership

Kinley Sporhase, Sales Presentation

Gustavo Goytia, Word Processing

Sujey Bustillos, Graphic Design

Claire Hubbard, Graphic Design

Emy Goldenstein, Graphic Design

Other Places, Top 10:

Cozner Ring, Accounting II

Michelle Espinal, Accounting II

Sarah Hayes, Accounting II

Cozner Ring, Agribusiness

Nicole Schlachter, Business Communication

Andres Bencomo, Computer Problem Solving

Kevin Ramos, Computer Problem Solving

Andres Bencomo, Cyber Security

Leah Struckmeyer, Economics

Ellie Kleve, Healthcare Administration

Mason Sprague, Financial Math

Sarah Hayes, Human Resource Management

Valeria Morales, Human Resource Management

Samanta Espinal, Human Resource Management

Nicole Schlachter, Human Resource Management

Jacob Quintana, Intro to Business Communication

Carter Sisseck, Intro to Business Concepts

Maggie Kleve, Intro to Business Concepts

Aubrey Bieber, Intro to Business Procedures

Kaden Herman, Intro to Business Procedures

Jackie Santiesteban, Intro to Business Procedures

Emy Goldenstein, Intro to Business Procedures

Kevin Ramos, Intro to Financial Math

Dayami Trejo, Intro to Marketing Concepts

Maggie Kleve, Intro to Marketing Concepts

Jeylin Dominguez, Personal Finance

Tomas Estrada, Spreadsheet Applications

Ben Austin, Spreadsheet Applications

Ben Austin, Word Processing

Members that prequalified for State include:

Partnership with Business:  Macie Maloney and Vanessa Marroquin

Community Service:  Colby Weber, Courtlyn Kinnie and Brandon Bustillos

Local Chapter Annual Report:  Ellie Kleve, Isabelle Kropp and Cozner Ring

American Enterprise:  Teagan Martin, Rorey Schneller and Jacob Quintana

Good Luck at State Holyoke FBLA!!!