jh fbla

Holyoke Junior High FBLA traveled to Brighton, Colorado, today to compete in their State FBLA competition.  A total of 28 students competed in tests and presentations.  In addition to competing, they completed service projects and lessons in Finance and FBLA, and had ice breaking activities to meet new people from other schools. 

medal winners

Holyoke did well, bringing home 14 total medals!  Those placing included:

1st Place:

Victoria Baeza, Business Etiquette

Gizem Barraza, FBLA Concepts

Ryker Ring, Learning Strategies

2nd Place:

Adri Mallari, Exploring Business Ethics

Tenley Becker, Exploring Business Ethics

Aubree Kammer, Exploring Business Ethics

Lili Vasquez, Community Service Project

3rd Place:

Lili Vasquez, Exploring Economics

Raia Sprague, Exploring Website Design

Molly Kropp, Exploring Website Design

Maite Sanchez, Interpersonal Communication

Braylin Herman, Learning Strategies

 4th Place:

JaRae Sholes, Exploring Business Ethics

Victoria Baeza, Leadership

Other FBLA members participating included Brandon Adler., Laityn Bieber, Katie Cure, Kyle Goldenstein, Ryenne Higgins, Lucas Jordan, Brandon Lopez, Juan Nunez, Adi Priddy, Gael Ramirez, Joselyn Reynosa, Amy Struckmeyer and Cruse Weber.  In addition to Adviser Lori Nelson, Heather Bieber and Fatima Nunez traveled with the students to the competition.