The route for the Senior Parade has been released. For full details click here.
\r\nThe parade will start from the Event Center parking lot at 1pm. If you plan on joining our parade please be at the event center by 12:45. The parade will take us to a few country stops as well as bouncing around the streets of Holyoke to honor our graduates. Please feel free to join or leave the parade as you need. Also, if you would like to decorate your car windows, make signs, etc for the seniors, please do so!
\r\nThe Radio Station 92.3 KSTH will be the lead vehicle and will announce live on the air the accomplishments of each graduate at each stop. (Listen live) The HHS TVProd Class will be the second vehicle and will live stream the event on YouTube. (Watch live)
\r\nThe first leg of the Parade will take us north from the event center and then west along CR 24. We will circle around then, head south on CR 33 to HWY 6 and head back to Holyoke to visit the graduates on the east of Interocean Ave.
\r\nThe second leg of the Parade takes us to the west side of Holyoke to visit the graduates there. It begins on South Sherman Ave. goes as far north as Emerson St before coming back south to Johnson St where the final turn takes us north on Worley Ave.
\r\nThe third leg highlights visits around the High School itself. Please drive carefully during this leg. There are many students to visit and congratulate here.
\r\nThe final leg of the Parade takes us out town and east on HWY 6 and then south on CR 45 where we will visit our last graduate.
\r\nPlease see the map for exact "locations" around the route and if you have any questions, please call the HS office or email Mrs. Powell