We're Never Too Old to be Kind - 100th Day of School

January 29 was the second day of our “Great Kindness Challenge” and also the 100th day of school at Holyoke Elementary. Many students dressed up like they were 100 years old to demonstrate that "We're Never Too Old to be Kind." Other random acts of generosity today included delicious snacks in the teacher’s lounge from Mrs. Bergner’s sixth grade class, notes, hearts, hugs and posters for staff and classmates.


In the computer lab, students are using the “Free Rice” online computer program to practice academic skills and help people living in third world countries at the same time.  Students log-in to the website http://freerice.com and answer questions. For every correct answer, the online sponsors donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nation’s World Food Program. The program automatically adjusts questions to the student’s ability level and cycles questions that are missed so that the child repeats the missed question. Students watch their bowl fill with rice that will go to people in countries such as Syria, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Uganda. Holyoke Elementary has set the goal to earn One Million Grain of Rice and so far we have earned 255,160 grains.