Holyoke Tuesday Intern Spotlight

Through the Holyoke Homegrown Talent Initiative students get the opportunity to explore career choices outside of the traditional classroom. This series spotlights junior and senior interns who leave the traditional classroom for one or more  class period a day and learn what life will be like once they hit the work force. Look for more Holyoke Tuesday Intern Spotlights each Tuesday at Noon.

Meet Daniela Fierro

Internship Highlights

Daniela gets to spend two hours a day working at Kelly Law. She also interned last year at Tuxedo Paws.

What have you learned?

"My first internship was at Tuxedo Paws with Alex Blake. I worked with her for my entire Junior Year. With her I gained lots of knowledge when it comes to animals, running your own business, being a busy woman, [etc]. Alex even offered me a part time job when things got really busy with dogs. I would come in and take them out, refresh their water and play with them. I [look up to both women I have worked with], because they are both very strong women who deserve lots of recognition. "

Career Exploration

"At the beginning of the semester I was still a bit unsure what to do after high school. Should I leave and go straight to university? Should I go to community college and transfer? Should I do online and work? Should I even go to college at all? There were millions of questions running through my mind. I was so worried about everything constantly, but after a couple of days working with Tammy and Corrin I  knew that this was what I wanted to do. I have decided I want to study to become a lawyer and hopefully if things go well I will be able to have my first two years of college online so I can stick around and work and Kelly Law."

A huge thank you to Kelly Law and Tuxedo Paws for allowing this partnership to happen and our students to learn and grow. 

To view a collection of all the spotlighted interns and the business that support them please the Homegrown Talent Initiative Page on www.hcosd.org.